Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Now this pictures shows What Not To Do on this diet!!!  Well, with the exception of my one cheat day..hehehe.  I'm glad I'm not going to the Rodeo tonight like I normally would because I'm a sucker for funnel cake and it would have been the death of me! 

I completed one full day with being really good and eating all my meals.  I even worked out!  So I'm doing good so far.  Ofcourse the first day isn't usually that hard because you are motivated and pumped.  It's the few days after that really are tough but anytime I have a craving or really feel like giving up I plan to think of my cheat day and remember that I can eat ice cream or cake or a big bowl of pasta on that day. 

I have to say I'm proud of myself for keeping up with it yesterday considering I did not go to the store on Sunday and had to work with what I had so my meals weren't exactly what I needed.  I didn't have beans in most of my meals but I did try to make it work and I think I did pretty good.

Yesterday this was my menu:

Breakfast at 7 am
2 hard boiled eggs and 2 slices of turkey bacon

Lunch at 11:30 am
Chili from Wendys and a salad with light dressing

2nd lunch at 3:30
A can of tuna and a bowl of green beans

Dinner at 7:30
2 bowls of mexican chicken & bean soup (lots of beans and veggies and chicken)

I also drank 4 bottles of water and 2 cups of coffee with 2 Tbsp creamer and a dash of cinammon and vanilla extract.  NO SUGAR! That will take a little getting used to. 
I also started my 5K running program.  I did this last year and did pretty well on it.  I enjoyed my run yesterday.  It started with 5 minutes walking and then alternating with 1 minute running and walking for 20 minutes.  Then the last 5 minutes I walked. This program is a 6 week program so I hope to keep that up as well.

So that's about it for now.  I'll try to keep you updated often :-) Thanks for reading!

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