Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 8 - One week in!

This is the baby shower cake I made and ate on my cheat day. More about that in a little bit...

Today has been one week since I started this diet and so far so good although the weekend was tough like I thought it would be.  Friday I did not cheat and did good except that I didn't eat any beans or legumes that day whatsoever.  I was just busy and running around the whole day that I didn't get any in my meals.  I didn't technically work out but did work in my yard for a good 5+ hours so I consider that my workout. 

Saturday morning I weighed myself.  I lost 2 lbs.  I'm happy with it but not overly excited.  I was hoping for just a couple pounds more but that's okay.  At least I lost. Shoot if I can lose 2 lbs every week I would be happy with that.  That would be around 15 lbs lost by the time I go on vacation so I'm hopeful.

Saturday was also the BIG CHEAT DAY!  It started off with eating a fiber bar and drinking coffee since I was so busy and didn't have time to eat anything else.  I was helping my sister throw a baby shower so I was busy with decorating a cake, making little sandwiches and some spinach artichoke dip. I cooked all morning and left after 1 pm to pick up my mom and head to the shower.  When I got there I spent the first half hour or so setting up and helping her with stuff.  Finally once people started to arrive I ate!  I ate a couple of mini chicken salad sandwiches, some chips and dip, some crackers and spinach/artichoke dip, some fruit and drank some punch.  I really didn't do that bad until it was time to cut the cake!  THE CAKE WAS SOOO GOOD!  I don't know if it was just really good cake that I made or if I was just wanting it so bad.  Everyone told me it tasted good though.  I just had one little slice with everyone else and let some take cake home.  I took what was left home to Davy and it wasn't a whole lot but enough for a few more slices.  So when I got home you better believe I had another slice of cake!  For dinner I picked up a hamburger & fries from Chili's and drank a coke.  That was it... or at least I thought....

Yesterday started out good.  I made us fried eggs and turkey bacon along with my usual 1/2 cup raw spinach and coffee (sounds gross together I know).  By the time lunch rolled around we didn't really have anything but left over chicken salad sandwiches and we were pressed for time before we had to head out to the meeting so we went ahead and ate those sandwiches (first no-no).  I also ate the last piece of cake that was left (2nd no-no).  After the meeting I did cook chili which we could have.  It has lots of beans and lean ground beef and some tomato but not enough veggies but I wasn't up for a salad so I ate the chili but I've always liked chili with rice (weird I know) so in my demented thinking I thought "well I already messed up with the sandwiches & cake so might as well eat rice" and that's what I did (third no-no).  By that time I knew the day was shot so I had a little debbie snack to finish out my horrible 2nd cheat day!  So Sunday was definitely not a good day.

BUT on the upside I did get right back on track this morning with my usual eggs, turkey bacon & spinach breakfast.  Today for lunch we have leftover chili (no rice) and a salad.  So I think I'll be okay.  I need to be careful with the weekends though.  Those are really difficult.  I have not gotten back to running.  I hurt my ankle so I need to lay off of it for a little bit.  I'm going to do P90X at home instead this week.

So that was my week.  One week in and still 9 more to go.

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