Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3- Hanging in there!

Just to let you know I will try to post my favorite photo of the day along with my newest entry just to make things interesting :-)  This is a picture of me and my baby Nemo.  Isn't he a cutie pie!  Check out his little sweater hoodie he is wearing ;-)

Anyhoo...Today is Day 3 and so far I'm still hanging in there.  I haven't had too many cravings really.  I've been a bit nauseous and I'm not sure why.  I haven't had that much of an appetite so eating each meal has been a little bit of challenge.  I'm still trying to drink lots of water but that is also tough for me too considering I don't drink much anyways.  Yesterday I didn't feel real good and so when I got home I kind of crashed on the couch for an hour.  I felt a little better when I woke up but still had that nauseous feeling and didn't feel I could work out.  So yesterday I didn't workout, well unless you call bathing two small doggies a workout :-)

Today I am feeling a little better.  I'm not as nauseous and not feeling as bad.  I won't be able to workout tonight either because I won't have time after work since we have our meeting tonight.  I'll get back on my running tomorrow. 

It feels good not to really crave anything too bad.  I'm not saying I don't ever have any cravings.  Occasionally I will see some chocolate or something sweet and have a little craving for it but it passes.  I think eating 4 meals a day packed with protein and fiber is keeping me pretty much full not to mention all the water!  Davy has been doing this with me too.  He wakes up every morning and weighs himself.  So far he has lost 5 lbs.  I refuse to weigh myself everyday.  That method doesn't work for me.  So I plan to weigh myself on Saturday morning before I gorge myself on bread and sweets! LOL!  Actually, I am going to try not to be too bad but I can't make any promises :-)  I do miss fruit though.  I think if I could have fruit on this diet everyday I could do this long term.  This is just a test run though.  Just for 2 months and then we'll see. 

This was my menu yesterday:

Breakfast 7 am:
2 boiled eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon, a cup of raw spinach and 2 cups of coffee with a little creamer and cinnamon and vanilla extract.

Lunch 11:30 am
A bowl of leftover mexican chicken & bean soup with cilantro, avocado, green onion and a little bit of cheese (I guess I kind of cheated with having some cheese but I don't think it will kill me)

2nd Lunch 3:20 pm
A can of tuna & a bowl of green beans (didn't have any legumes)

Dinner at 7:30 pm
Pan seared flounder, green beans and 1/2 cup of lentils

That's it.  Believe it or not this keeps me full!  Today is pretty much a repeat of yesterday except tonight I may have the soup again since I will be pressed for time.

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