Thursday, March 10, 2011

Onto Day 4

This was my breakfast this morning.  2 Fried Eggs, 1 slice of turkey bacon (there was actually 2 slices but I ate one before I took the pic) and about 1/2 cup raw spinach & a cup of coffee with 2 Tbsp of creamer.  It was pretty tasty.  The raw spinach is not always easy to eat first thing in the morning.  I don't know another way to eat veggies in the morning.  I don't care for vegetables much in the first place but I do like raw spinach.  Eating them with the eggs and bacon is like eating a salad with no dressing.  I don't eat any beans or legumes in the morning.  I just can't do it.  I don't mind beans but in the morning is just a little much.  I'm not a morning person and neither is my stomach.  I could very easily skip breakfast or eat a piece of fruit or something very small in the mornings & be just fine.  So making myself eat this type of breakfast not long after I wake up is a bit of a challenge but I'm getting through it.  It does fill me up though and I do feel more awake, alert and focused after eating.

Last night was a little bit tough. I didn't get to eat until late because we have our meeting and we don't get home until after 9:30.  I just heated up some soup and ate that only.  I wasn't that hungry for it either.  I'm kind of tired of soup so I didn't bring any today to work.  I think we'll go out to eat for lunch.  I'm not sure where.  KFC has grilled chicken so we may go there.  Their grilled chicken is actually pretty good.  2nd lunch is usually the same thing which is tuna, lentils and small salad.  Yesterday for my 2nd lunch I had a very hard time eating it.  I felt a little sick after I ate it.  I just wasn't hungry and downing all that food made me nauseous.  I think 2nd lunch is probably the hardest meal of the day for me. 

Being at work 4 days a week (Mon-Thurs) helps keep me on track with this diet.  I have a good schedule and I keep to it.  Tomorrow will present a little challenge since I'm off and will be at home.  I actually have plans to work in my yard so I'll have to keep track of the time so that I eat on time.  Then on to wonderful glorious Saturday!  I don't know what I'll be eating that day.  I know I'm helping my sister throw a baby shower and I'm making the cake for it so I'm sure I'll be eating cake.  Davy wants to eat Mexican which is always okay with me :-)  I know Saturday will come and go pretty quickly and then I think Sunday will be hard because I will have to get back on track.  If I can make it through Sunday I think I will be just fine by Monday.  I don't feel I have lost much.  I still feel about the same so we'll see.  I don't see how I couldn't have lost something though.  No sugar, no bread, no refined anything for a whole week!  Just lean protein, veggies and legumes.  I better have lost some weight!
I'll keep you posted!

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